Meet CI author Diego Ojeda

Do your Spanish students LOVE poetry? How about stories told from the first person perspective?

You should definitely check out Diego Ojeda‘s books, which might just be the perfect fit for your Spanish class FVR Library! 

I asked Diego a few questions to get to know him and his inspiration as an author. Read on to get to know Diego and his work too!

Have you always wanted to be an author? 

I started writing and publishing when I was 8 years old so writing is very natural to me.


What, to you, are the most important elements of a good Spanish language book for 2nd language acquisition?

To keep in mind student’s interests and language proficiency


Which of your characters do you relate to the most? Why?

To all my poetry because all my poems come from my own experience.


What kinds of books do you like to read?

I like to read books about education.


Describe your ideal writing space / atmosphere. How do you prepare to write? (Do you go to a specific room of your house? Grab a cup of coffee/tea? Go to Starbucks or the library?)

I use a very comfortable chair in the loft of my house. I can’t write while sitting at a desk.

Your Spanish students can get to know more about the immigrant experience through Diego’s work.

Diego has graciously gifted us fur of his books to give away during our 2023 ‘Spanish Teachers LOVE to Read’ giveaway to help you grow your Spanish class Free Voluntary Reading Library! (ENTER THE GIVEAWAY HERE!)

Poesía gramatical features comprehensible poems about different topics where each poem has a specific grammar focus. These poems help teachers show how grammar can be used with creative purposes. The poems are multilevel and great for any spanish FVR collection. Here’s what Diego had to say about two of his books:

 Nostalgia migrante features comprehensible poems about the topics of inmigration and emigration. Each poem reflects the author´s experience as an immigrant. By reading these poems your students will start seeing immigration from a human perspective, beyond politics and stereotypes.
Level 2, 3, 4, AP and Heritage”

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